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Healthy Missoula Youth is a coalition working to prevent the potential harms related to early substance use.

Healthy Missoula Youth is a coalition facilitated by the Missoula Public Health and made up of multiple community partners working to prevent harm related to youth substance use. Our focus is to reduce rates of drinking, marijuana, and tobacco use, as well as other substances among youth.

We envision a thriving Missoula County where individuals and families feel supported by their community and are empowered to make choices that positively impact their health around substances.

Circle logo with Healthy Missoula Youth name listed, with mountain background and sky colored red, orange, burnt yellow, and teal.

Did you know that using substances at an early age can cause changes in the developing brain and increase the likelihood of progressing to addiction?


The good news is that early substance use is NOT inevitable. Evidence-based prevention and early intervention strategies actually work! And YOU can help!

Four youth jumping off the ground in front of a wooded background, wearing jeans and flannels.
Two teenaged boys playing basketball, with one attempting to block the other who is going up for a shot.


Meetings are on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 12 pm.



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Missoula Public Health Logo with MPH listed in orange, blue, and green.

Healthy Missoula Youth
301 W. Alder
Missoula, MT 59802
(406) 258-3023

Missoula County logo with a blue six pointed star inside of a round six spoke wheel
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